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  1. These Terms
    1. The Agreement; Mobile Wallet Services – Terms and Conditions.These Wallet Services – Terms and Conditions (including all Annexes and Policies) (the “Agreement“), each as may be modified from time to time as described in Section 20.2 below, apply when you register for a Wallet Account or opt for using the Wallet Services with us, which enables you to make payments for purchasing products and/or services, purchase third-party products and/or services available on our App, make remittances, and receive certain payments. In these Terms, “you,” “your,” and “their” refer to the user of the Wallet Services, and “we,” “us,” “our,” or “barq” refer to the provider of the Wallet Services. Further information regarding barq is set out in Section 2 below.
    2. Why you should read them.
      These terms tell you who we are, how we will provide the Wallet Services to you, how you and we may change or end this Agreement, what to do if there is a problem, and other important information.
    3. Acceptance and Language of the Agreement.
      This Agreement forms a legally binding agreement between you and us. In order to use the Wallet Services, you must first accept the Agreement. If you do not accept the Agreement or if you withdraw your consent to these terms and conditions on the App, you will not be eligible to use the Wallet Services, and we may promptly cease providing the Wallet Services to you. You can accept the Agreement by selecting such an option when prompted on the App and as indicated towards the end of this Agreement. Also:
      (a) A copy of the Agreement, as amended from time to time, is available to you on the App. (b) Throughout the duration of the Agreement, you may request to be provided with the Agreement, and a link to the Agreement will be sent to your email address free of charge. (c) The Agreement will be provided to you in Urdu or in English, as chosen by you. (d) Your relationship with us will be governed by the language version of the Agreement that you select. If you have selected the Urdu version, our relationship will be governed by the Urdu version. If you have selected English, then our relationship will be governed by the English version.
    4. The Wallet Services.
      This Agreement applies to your use of the Wallet Services. Our Wallet Services enable users to use a digital wallet to cash-in, pay for goods and services, withdraw/redeem funds in your wallet, and transfer funds within Pakistan.
    5. Eligibility.
      1. You may not use the Wallet Services and may not accept the Agreement if:
        (a) You are not of legal age, as prescribed by the applicable laws and regulations in Pakistan, to form a binding contract with us and operate the Wallet Services; (b) You lack the legal capacity as prescribed by applicable laws and regulations in Pakistan; or (c) You are a person barred from receiving the Wallet Services under the laws of Pakistan.
      2. In the event you were eligible to use the Wallet Services and accept the Agreement and such eligibility is interrupted pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations in Pakistan, your Wallet Account will be restricted until a legal guardian takes control over supervising your Wallet Account and use of the Wallet Services as we may technically enable from time to time.
      3. If you are an appointed legal guardian of another user of the Wallet Services, you must have a valid and current Wallet Account so that we can enable you to supervise the use of the Wallet Services by the user whose eligibility has been interrupted.
    6. Device eligibility.
      You are required to have an eligible device in order to use the Wallet Service. We, at our own discretion, shall determine which devices are eligible to be used with the Wallet Services and shall provide you with a list of such devices or types thereof on request by you in the event you encounter an issue. Devices that have been unlocked in an unauthorized fashion or otherwise modified may not be eligible to use the Wallet Services.
  2. Information about us and how to contact us
    1. We are barq, a company registered in Pakistan under the registration number [Insert Registration Number], with its registered office at [Insert Address], Pakistan.
    2. You can contact us by telephoning our customer service team at +92 [Insert Contact Number], via the chat facility on the App, or by writing to us by email at, through social media, or at our website:
    3. If we need to contact you, we will do so by telephone, email, App-chat facility, chatbots, or other methods at our discretion.
    1. The following defined terms appear in this Agreement:
      • Affiliate: A third party or one owned or controlled by us or any entity controlled by, in control of, or under common control with us.
      • App: The barq Wallet Services App currently branded as barq.
      • Application: Internet or mobile-based services and applications..
      • Available Balance: The amount labeled as such on the App reflecting the total amounts transferred to your Wallet Account within the Recharge Limit and is the balance of funds you can use from your Wallet Account in accordance with this Agreement.
      • barq Materials: Any software (including without limitation developer tools, sample source code, and code libraries), data, materials, content, and printed and electronic documentation (including the Specifications and any integration guides) developed and provided by us or our Affiliates to you for download from the App or otherwise accessed or used. barq Materials do not include any software, data, or other materials specifically made available by us or our Affiliates under separate license terms or that were created by a third party, including without limitation software provided under an open-source license.
      • Business Day: Any day other than a Sunday or a public holiday in Pakistan.
      • Cut-Off Time: The last time for making or receiving payments under the relevant payment scheme.
      • Credentials: The amount labeled as such on the App reflecting the sum of your Available Balance and any other amounts transferred to your Wallet Account exceeding the Recharge Limit.
      • Multiple Payment:A payment authorization given by you to a merchant to charge your selected payment method variable amounts over a specified time period.
      • Policies: All applicable policies, including the privacy policy, notices, procedures, specifications, FAQs, guides, and guidelines that are provided or made available to you, appear on the Apps, or are referenced in this Agreement.
      • Provider: Third-party service providers enrolled in the Wallet Services.
      • Recharge Limit(s): The limits of funds that you can transfer in a period of time to your Available Balance, as set by us from time to time, in your Wallet Account. Currently, the recharge limit is PKR [100,000] per calendar month.
      • Recurring Payment: : A payment authorization given by you to a merchant to charge your selected payment method at regular intervals for fixed or variable amounts over a specified time period.